
Imchlo, products and services for sustainable cooling water bio-control.

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Why is Imchlo the ideal sparring partner on chlorine use in cooling water?

IMCHLO helps to identify  the most appropriate micro-biological control approach for your system.

The approach covers technical, financial and sustainability aspects  and our advice is developed based on your specific needs & situation.

If desired, this advice can be provided together with your actual or preferred water service partner.

IMCHLO then positions itself as a "positive catalyst and informed sparring partner" for the often complicated water related discussion for non specialists.

Feedback is always provided to the end user in “understandable language” so that they can make a business decision based on a 360° insight that best matches their objectives.

  • Koelwaterchemicaliën

  • Ontsmettingsmiddel bij waterbehandeling

  • Petrochemische afvalwaterzuivering

  • Waterzuiveringsinstallatie voor thuis

  • Broomtabletten 50

  • Chemische behandeling in koeltoren

  • Olie- en vetafscheider bij afvalwaterzuivering

  • Afvalwater zuiveringsinstallatie
