Liévin De Vriese has 35 years of experience in water treatment. He has seen the sector change significantly. End users have now often outsourced 'internal expertise and knowledge' to specialist water treatment service companies.
This approach offers opportunities, but also brings challenges, especially when choosing which technology to apply.
Strategic, economic and profitability considerations play a role in advice.
This can lead to a 'technological blind spot' for end users, where optimization opportunities remain un-explored/-used. IMCHLO facilitates effective collaboration between end users and their water service provider creating a postive synergical environment.
In this way Imchlo ensures that end users are fully informed about available technologies and are informed about all available options.
The result: improved, sustainable water treatment, tailored to the needs of end users.
My internal drive is:
"first understand and then helping others to understand."
This also applies for technical challenges in the industrial water domain in general, and bio-control in industrial cooling systems particularly.
IMCHLO is specialized in improving sustainability of biocontrol in industrial water systems.
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