When DMH is mixed with chlorine bleach (hypochlorite solution), MonoChloroDiMethylHydantoin (MCDMH) is quickly formed. This MCDMH, a “stabilized” chlorine form, is, unlike hypochlorite, not reactive and is distributed in the cooling water system.
The MCDMH molecule has a preference to migrate/ penetrate into biofilms. Once it has arrived in the biofilm, the molecule decomposes again into DMH and Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl). This HOCl molecule is the same as in chlorine bleach and is a very effective antibiotic. At the heart of the biofilm, this HOCl molecule, even in very low concentrations, can attack and kill bacteria much more effectively because it is not used up by unwanted side reactions.
The technique can be compared to 'The Trojan Horse' and, imitates the formation of HOCl by white blood cells in in low concentration, close to the germs in the human body (so-called “Bio-mimics" technology).
IMCHLO is specialized in improving sustainability of biocontrol in industrial water systems.
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