
Imchlo, products and services for sustainable cooling water bio-control.

How long has DMH been used in water treatment?

voordelen DMH

The use of DMH as chlorine stabilizer has been known for a long time and is used in various forms. So-called halo-hydantoins (including BCDMH en DCDMH) have been successfully used in industrial water treatment for more than 50 years.

The separate dosing of DMH and chlorine bleach has been used in the paper industry and cooling systems since 2000 and is "proven technology".

It has led to:

1) a substantial reduction in chlorine bleach dosage.

2) strong reduction of AOX emissions

3) better biofilm control

4) lower corrosion.

The technology was patented for use in cooling water until June 2023.

With the expiration of this patent, this approach is “open source” and accessible to everyone. IMCHLO is a knowledge provider of this technology and promotes its use.
